Now Playing: Death Cab for Cutie - Transatlanticism
This thanksgiving break was the greatest time possible put into a couple of days.
Thanksgiving itself was great. Family time is always great and warm, considering how little I actually am home nowadays. Home is definitely the most reliable thing in my life, which makes me happy. Happy happy happy
Thanksgiving night Matthew drops by and we jet. It was an awesome time. I missed Matthew man! I find it difficult to put my feelings into words at the moment, which sucks just for me, because I can't quite say what's going through my head right now. Seeing Matt, running from the cops, and coming back to eat fries and play games was great, and it made me realize that.. relationships last and stay strong if they're meant to
That said, the next day was aweeeeeeesome!! Awesome awesome awesome [3 times for added effect]. Seeing Lissa, Jenny and Meg was krazy. Having Jenny and Lissa go kitty-yum krazy for meow-meow was great hahaha. Random run-ins by Michelle and other random CHS kids at the mall was krazy. The Incredibles was .. amazing, and seeing BRIGHT ONE!! and Glen was giving me trippy nostalgia. Man.. this entry is definitely not as eloquent as I wanted it to be. hmm
I dunno. Even before the drinking, and the .. ensuing bad-drunk Luis, I had this aura of calm rush over me. I remember it distinctly hitting me twice. When I awoke from my drunken slumber, I found Brighton, Glen, Jenny, and Matt all asleep on the floor. Lissa had taken Chris' bed, as a reward for not drinking. Meg came into the living room and sat next to me. Once everyone kind of woke up, it hit me..
Here we were, seven kids, each coming back home from very, very different places, and REGARDLESS of the distance and the time apart and the directions we're going in.. we found time for each other. It was so surreal to me. SO surreal. It made me feel this intense.. joy, because we all made time to catch up, and be together, and no doubt we'd do it again, because that's how strong our ties are. And I felt it the whole time we were all together. Just sitting at IHOP at a big table, I wanted to take my camera and just.. record it all. It was :):):) just this great mass of gooey.. good times.
Last night and today was the culmination of the past month and the struggles I've been going through. Last week ended pretty good, and even before then, when I was truly upset.. I had flashes of happiness. It would happen everytime I would talk on the fone, to Jenny, to Brighton.. I was slowly realizing that I have the BEST friends man, and even if they're across the fucking universe, we're there for each other. And it makes me feel like maybe life isn't so bad, when you know people have your back, and whether we make fun of each other and talk trash.. friends will be by your side when life starts to blow.
I may feel very inadequate to have the friends that I do, and I may not be the most witty, or charming, or intelligent of the bunch.. but it really doesn't matter to me. I feel like a part of something really, really cool. I wish I was good enough actually, to have the friends that I do. :/
With that said.. I'll say it again, what I said at IHOP this morning. I missed and love each and every one of you :) And I think that.. that's what I've been trying to say throughout this whole entry. So much for to the point, eh?
You guys are soo going in the journal. The new one. You'll be one of my first entries, ever. 2 weeks cannot go by fast enough. Here is a brief visual aid for those who hate reading and like... uh, seeing:

then.. I pass out, after my first evening as a beligerent, retarded crunk. No more drugs + alcohol at once.. no sir! After I die, the other two kiddos arrive, Glen and Brighton. File Photo:

and yeah.. a lovely game of I Never was played while I lay dead on the couch, and.. yeah. Brighton draws what she believes to be a penis on my cheek, which in actuality, was a chili pepper gone retarded. Better luck next time, baby
For those there.. I have alot of pics I didn't post. Bad, incriminating ones. If you want em.. ask :)