Now Playing: Death Cab for Cutie - The New Year
what a rush.
You know, yesterday was good. Not what I expected at all but definitely good. x] Yeah so, getting to know and hang out with all my newfound STAFF friends has started off with a bang. I keep telling myself that new people in my life will help me get out of this sophomore slump, and it's working alright.. oh yes
but I didnt expect to lose it like I did yesterday. What a blasted impression I leave for everyone right? Luis, the now-former heavyweight drinker who can't for the love of life remember how he got home.
Looks like when it comes to drinking [and smoking, heh], I'm going to take a leave of absence for a while. Today I have felt like this slow, drab of a person and I really can't afford to get all fucked up on a regular basis. This is no way to live college life, yo.
Anyway, it was all good for what I can remember. Awesome party Christina!! Soooo sorry about the whole... well, pestering thing. It'll never ever happen again EVER!! arr
I decided I would hike up to the C one of these days. Not by myself.. haha so hey! Anyone interested in a morning hike, gimme a ring or IM or soooomething. Izzy and I traveled through the unexplored areas of the Botanical Gardens today, and it really helped me feela little better. Getting the blood flowing is much better for a hangover than uh, watching Degrassi like a fat bastard.
Damnit.. where does ANYONE go from here? Metaphorically speaking. All this new stuff in my head sure isn't fun to figure out I'm not supposed to look to the past for any kind of reference. Whatever.. I guess this makes things that much more interesting. Bare with my guys.. I really, really don't know where I'm headed in life right now. Join me for the ride down the abyss?
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