Man, I knew I'd reminisce. Just looking back at old conversations fucking makes me think...
I mean now everything is so the hell did things change like THAT??
SoNiCbLaStOiSe42: thx man
Auto response from theese X ayone: journals rule. so does burning cd's
SoNiCbLaStOiSe42: ur too cool :-D
theese X ayone: what, read my new journal already? =-O
SoNiCbLaStOiSe42: oh no
SoNiCbLaStOiSe42: i mean for IDs
theese X ayone: ooooh
theese X ayone: heh
theese X ayone: anytime dude
SoNiCbLaStOiSe42: haha
theese X ayone: im making your cd right now, but this biotch keeps freezing
theese X ayone: ahhh here we go
SoNiCbLaStOiSe42: hahaha
theese X ayone: ill be back when its done
SoNiCbLaStOiSe42: i'll make a CD!
SoNiCbLaStOiSe42: ok
Tell me when you've had enough, sir Teran.
PJMAbabe: terran terran terran go to bed terran
theeseXayone: *teran
theeseXayone: ;-);-)
PJMAbabe: opps
PJMAbabe: i got carried away
Maybe being carefree wasn't for me ever..
theeseXayone: i dont spill it often you know
X r E t 3 p: hahah
X r E t 3 p: im glad that ur getting better and as i see u happy it makes me feel as though there is hope in this world
X r E t 3 p: REALLY
X r E t 3 p: i just want
X r E t 3 p: to find someone that i love
theeseXayone: awwww
X r E t 3 p: and loves me back
X r E t 3 p: and to know i have some TRUE frends
X r E t 3 p: its good
awwww fuck... you got a fuckin true friend right here you ass >:O
Brdr123: im the exact opposite
physical contact makes me SOOOOOOOOO uncomfortable
theese X ayone: gonna have to hug you hard tommorow then 8-)
Brdr123: oh nooooooooo theres nothing ever about me, haha i rely on other peoples drama!
oh mom.... mom mom mom. =]
TnInChEr14: caBRON
theeseXayone: :-[!!!!
theeseXayone: what
theeseXayone: blah
TnInChEr14: ur the first guy i got close to actually in core
theeseXayone: what..ur lying
TnInChEr14: and i actually talked to outside and skool oh ,y bad u are the only guy i actually talk to outside of skool
TnInChEr14: dude serouisly i never talked to anyone outside of core
theeseXayone: why dude
TnInChEr14: dude its wierd
theeseXayone: come on, explain it to me
TnInChEr14: i dont really know why u were the only guy i spoke to outside of skool
TnInChEr14: ok i think its cause we youre the only guy who actually appraoched me before the gender unit
TnInChEr14: and before that it was only a class thing
theeseXayone: really?
TnInChEr14: but its diffrrent with u, remenber that time we spoke like an hour on the phoien for the first time
Juan....where the FUCK are you???????
NerdoNeat: oh....welll, i mean justin timberlake is very attractive - but stupid
NerdoNeat: and not interesting
theeseXayone: hes....ghetto fabulous
NerdoNeat: i like to say ghetto fab
NerdoNeat: shorter
theeseXayone: yeah
NerdoNeat: but yes, definitely no proclaimed hotties
theeseXayone: me old fashioned
NerdoNeat: studio audience: "You're old fashioned!!!!"
NerdoNeat: hahahahah
NerdoNeat: i slay me
Somethings, though these are rare, do not change. Thank god...
YooHooYooHoo4: hey luis
YooHooYooHoo4: thanks
theeseXayone: hey dude
theeseXayone: ?? for what dude
YooHooYooHoo4: ur always defending me and i never ever said thanks to u
YooHooYooHoo4: seriosuly thanks alot
theeseXayone: :-[
YooHooYooHoo4: i just realizd taht i have ben th biggest jackass towarsds u
Roy... heh, such a freakin weird experience, but its all good. I think.
Fiver and Pipkin: luis
Fiver and Pipkin: luis
Fiver and Pipkin: luis
Fiver and Pipkin: luis
Fiver and Pipkin: luis
Fiver and Pipkin: luis
Fiver and Pipkin: luis
Fiver and Pipkin: i talked to peter
theeseXayone: wha
Fiver and Pipkin: he says he considers you to be a really true friend - which he doesn't have that many of
theeseXayone: :-[
theeseXayone: you lie
Fiver and Pipkin: but, he doesn't know if he wants your help figuring out his issues because he doesn't think he has any - but he knows you're there if he would ever need you
Fiver and Pipkin: and i'm not lying
Fiver and Pipkin: he said it
theeseXayone: are you sure....
Fiver and Pipkin: i'm sure
Fiver and Pipkin: if it's not true then he's lying - and i don't think he was
theeseXayone: did you save the convo....
Fiver and Pipkin: uh . . . . no
theeseXayone: . . . . . eh
Fiver and Pipkin: sorry
theeseXayone: i believe you
theeseXayone: its just a lil too....i dunno, EXACTLY what i wanted :-[
Fiver and Pipkin: believe me luis - i think you feel bad because you refuse to believe anything good about yourself or that people really care about and love you
theeseXayone: i admit im overly negative
theeseXayone: but wow....thats touching
Fiver and Pipkin: you're always so caught up in helping others that you overlook the amount of gratitude and love that people like peter have for you
theeseXayone: :'( stop.....sounds too good for believement
Fiver and Pipkin: he said he has told you already that you're a really good friend to him
theeseXayone: wait, i have to read what with my eyes
theeseXayone: what?
Fiver and Pipkin: he said he told you he thinks of you as a good friend
theeseXayone: i was probably asleep :'(
Fiver and Pipkin: you were probably too busy ignoring it because it was positive and it was about you
theeseXayone: maybe.....
theeseXayone: wish i could remember it
Fiver and Pipkin: peter might not ever write you a letter like i did about how much he cares, but i think he really does, even if it's a lot more subtle
theeseXayone: but hits the spot, makes me feel better slightly
theeseXayone: at least i have SOMETHING
Fiver and Pipkin: people express thier affection in different ways - peter is one of the tricky ones
Fiver and Pipkin: GUYS are the tricky ones
theeseXayone: heh, as am i.....who else has epiphanies about emotions and stalks people to tell them?
Fiver and Pipkin: Jesus
theeseXayone: .........
Fiver and Pipkin: Jesus did it
theeseXayone: ...............:-\
Fiver and Pipkin: you're getting all religious on me aren't you?
theeseXayone: hahahah
theeseXayone: you wish
theeseXayone: Pixzone v//2.0 3600 hits!!!!!!
theeseXayone: yayayayya
Fiver and Pipkin: i have enough Bibles to use as fire kindling thank you
Fiver and Pipkin: so do you feel ok?
Fiver and Pipkin: better?
theeseXayone: i feel better
theeseXayone: i guess
theeseXayone: stronger
theeseXayone: motivated?
Fiver and Pipkin: encouraged?
I derno...was it all true? =[ Man o man times change fast...heh, Amy xD
Justineisthabest: Lu Lu i <3 you.
Xret3p: sup bro.. dang today was a crzyyyyyyyyyyyy day.. i had sooooo much fun at disneyland~!!!!!!! hahahah thankz man.. hope u had a good time too.. and drive safely or you die!! haha i dunno wut to write im delirious rite now.. haha head is spinning............. woOoO ok laterz.. peace.
Nerdoneat: So, just how much do i love Luis Teran, you might ask. Well, I'll tell you: I_______________________________I <--about that much; which is just enough to work up the nerve to sign this thing. Lucky boy.
Kev: we'll always have wuf...don't forget ;)
Sonicblastoise: funny, i never saw it that way. maybe you need to realize i don't want not to talk to you, i want you to independent. what i got from you is that you weren't willing to let go. that pissed me off, so i got harsh. you peeled off, slowly, but you still hold onto it. all i need you to do is let go.
Hazeleyes5585: hey sweety! i just want u to know that i am proud of u. i know i may sound motherly but i really am, b/c u did something u've been struggling with for a while. if u ever need to talk u know i am always here. and always remember the good a very good combination. luv ya always =)
Sonicblastoise: sup LJ, you freaky guy...scares me sometimes...i hope you're not as intimidated as i am of oyu as you are of me as i do to you...or we might not get anywhere. o.O O.o O.o o.O
Athena8618: Man... I'd better get payed for endorsing this site, Luis... I'm that cool... You're not :)
Burnbagger23: LJ, I treasure you like pennies...which are virtually useless and worthless but still valuable in their own way! Peace out...
Neonturtle6: LJ is a hot me baby do me now.
Outsideerr: hi, lets sex sometime k ;]
Yurvoiceofreason: blah, LuLu, you loser, i lub j00! BE HAPPY!!! ~peace ~Pyro~
Babixsilly23: luis~! you're such a cool guy. keep your head up and don't let anything bring you down ok? and if you look hard enough, you'll see you do have good friends around you. =)...(letter)
My guestbook! Holy shit... I need to stop this already. Maybe more later. whatever...