I'm so tired...skool is really working us over like packet machines, I wanna fuckin' SLEEP...
I got some stuff from Chris this week, Pete ain't around to share the wealth so eh...I guess it's back to the usual, be alone and reflect, kind of weekend. I hate being so fucking fuck alone... why is everyone so fucking busy and out with their buddys except me huh????? Shit, I won't even get into that...racial and social shit has to do with that, believe you me. Juss wait til I write about that crap...
I reposted this really layered story in my journal, one I posted here once I wrote it, I'm glad I can do that kind of complicated type of writing crap =]...more power to me for creative writing right? hahaha, whatever.
My blog messes up alot and it makes me not wanna type no more...now I know why Peter never ever blogs. He still should tho...that boy can be 'deep' and whatever shit you wanna label me, too. Just read his old shit...and he shoulda written something about disneyland. Best day of the year deserves something right?
Anyway, I feel real stuck in limbo. Dunno how to handle much when so much is threatening my stability. Maybe if I got one last shot of hope into me, I could finally make it, and drop this raincloud from my mind... and hang out HOPEfully and use my N64 once more. latez
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