1. Name: luis teran...jr
2. What guys call you: Luis, Luey, sexay ;)...no.
3. What girls call you: Luis, Louie...and that other name I HATE
4. What your parents/family calls you: any of the above
5. Birth City: uh..somewheres in Mexico
6. Hospital: I'm supposed to REMEMBER?
7. Time: If only it was my ally..
8. Number of times you've moved: 5? 6?
9. Birthday: august 17, 1985
10. Age: 17 years old
11. Height: 5 10
12. Weight: 170 -175 lbs (my legs are so buff now xP)
13. Blood Type: ok, stupid questions aside..
14. Grade: 12
15. Classes for next year: core/ physics, ap spanish?!?, ap lit, metco
16. School: go cavs...*fakes cheer
17. Siblings (whole/step/half and ages): bro - 13, sis - 7
18. Parents married or divorced: together, somehow
19. How is your room decorated: So ugly.. =[
20. What kind of cell phone do you have: Nokiaaaa...I think
21. Pets: Does Jenny count?
22. Screenname(s): ljseXaywwf, seXay n gel, theeseXayone
23. What is your eye color: forget.
24. What is your hair color: eh?
26. What size shoe do you wear: uh, 12?
SECTION TWO: What's your favorite..........
1. Food: I dunno.. Ramen and those really really good krn food thingys, I forget their name
2. Drink: bobaaaaa..wo0oo
3. Fruit: what did you call me?
4. Vegetable: Maybe when I'm way old
5. Color(s): blue
6. Cologne/perfume: it used to be cool water
7. Part of the opposite sex: =X
8. Stuffed animal: hmm... dont have one
9. Mall: That one..where u can see anyone from skool on any given day
10. Candle scent: ...
11. Store: Whoa.. uh
13. Current song: I'm Just A Kid - Simple Plan
14. Gum: ehhhhh... none
15. Movie: Glory..and Austin Powers 3
16. Actor: Probably Ben Affleck
17. Actress: Does Mandy Moore count?
18. Animal: Shampoo in cat form...ooooooh yeah
19. TV channel: TV?!
20. TV show: Who's line is it
21. Radio station: KROQ
22. Rapper: It aint Ja Rule..hahaha
24. Soundtrack: CHRONO CROSS~!
25. Class: Math, we all got to sleep in there =]
26. Article of Clothing: Hair.
27. Flower: Man Eating
28. Holiday: X-Mas
29. Day of the week: Thursday...no idea why
30. Month: Hmm.... this year was August
31. Season: ^^^ guess
32. City: I live in the valley...so I dunno
33. State: CA
34. Vacation spot: Vegas
35. Age to be: mebe this year will be good..this or 22
36. College football team: BRUINS..nahhh
37. Comedy: Austin 3
38. Cartoon: Ranma =] =] =]
39. Place to drive around: I wanna drive...errrr
40. Blanket: The one that covers my bed..
41. Car: Expeds are nice
42. Eye color: hazel and BLACK
43. Hair color: negro
44. Pen ink color: this is so pathetic.
45. Shoes that you own: shut uuuupppp
46. Computer game: CS or My Ranma game~!
47. Quote: "wo0o0o0o"
SECTION THREE: Person who...
1. Is your best friend: Peter
2. You want to go out with: ..she wouldnt wanna
4. Teases you the most: Jenny...HOT DATE~!
5. You hate the most: Myself...alot of times =/
6. Makes you laugh the hardest: Peter or Matt
7. Makes you cry: ='[ damn..you know.
8. Makes you smile: Jen...and Nicole
10. Has your same clothing style: uh..am I supposed to notice =/
11. Is most like you personality wise: Meg
12. You lie to: YOU >:O
13. Calls you the most: I get CALLS?!?!?!?
14. You wish you never met: ...*sigh stop it.
15. Wears you out: Tim.
16. You love to hate: Zodin...<3 <3 ;)
17. You hate to love: Meeeeeeee~~!
18. Go to for advice: too many.
20. Trust the most: Wish it was Pete...but he doesn't talk much does he
21. You Care for the most: ^ ^...and for girl, probably all of them.
22. Love: my friends. fuck picking one duuuuude
SECTION FOUR: Random Questions requiring long answers...
1. How do you take compliments? ='[ Do I deserve ANY
2. Thing about girls/guys that makes you wanna hug them to bits: When ppl get personal after a long time of nothing. It was hard.
3. Thing you fear more than anything else in the world: 'What if..."
4. Thing that make you uncomfortable: When I get called on for my agressiveness, and talking in general.
5. Pet Peeve: I still bite my nails =]
6. Thing you can do that no one else knows about: shhhh...*gets gun
7. Thing you dislike about your relatives: YOU HAVENT GROWN A BIT LOUIE!!!
8. Thing you like and dislike about your personality(that means write two things, ha): I care too much and ask for a response without asking. o0o0o0 LJ SUCKS.
9. Thing you like and dislike about your image(same): Too built in the arms, makes me look wide, but I have a nice chest and legs ;) ;)!!
10. Last question, I swear, What is the meaning of life?: get a life