Now Playing: Happy Birthday mom!!!
Today after waking up after 3 hours of sleep, I got to see my family today. Vain was MIA as school has overtaken his soul and refused to let go :(. Today is my mommy's birthday, so I took the family to Olive Garden. It was such a nice time, and it went by way too soon. Yo quiero a mi familia, y hoy mam, te quiero decir que sin ti, yo no seria la persona que soy hoy. Tu eres la mujer mas ejemplar que yo conoczo. Eres hermosa, dedicada, y bien chula :) Me das las fuerzas de seguirle al pleito todos los dias. Nunca dejes de ser quien eres. Te amo!!!

your parents are so cute!
my gosh, you look so much like your dad. haha
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