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these past few weeks have been... rather revolutionary.
In short, the past few weeks have taught me that once again, we are the power we want from the universe. I can have an amazing time with some of my closest friends (Ashley's 21st birthday, having an amazing time with ash, my cuz, izza, etc), I can study whatever I wish in the universe (lab), and I can just as easily.. find interest in the worst of possible subjects, if I tried (justice).
I am the CEO of the louieverse.
Today, jon yelled at me. By that, I mean he expressed serious concern over the direction I am taking with this career thing. Rather, the lack of direction I am taking..
Basically, I have to accomodate my interests into my future career. Basically, unless I want to do clinical psychology, I should drop out from psyc198g for the fall. I should dedicate myself to becoming amazing at research. "You're doing alot - and you won't get good at any of those" jon would say. "Don't turn into ----", jon says. He's worried that my lack of decisiveness is going to be the end of me. Funny, as that is exactly what I was telling sean to do all day. Be decisive. Make decisions.
So with what jon talked me through, I've come closer to knowing what I want to get into. Let's break it down for me lui! in PHILOSOPHICAL FORMATTA:
a) I am an extrovert. I like the social ambience. I enjoy people.
b) I have not-so-secret introverted tendencies. I enjoy being by myself doing something, sometimes. I like talking to people one on one.
c) I CRAVE KNOWLEDGE. I must have it. I want to discover things, I want to fix things. I like to fix things alot. I want to learn, to fix things.
d) Being a professor fulfills the needs of the extrovert by providing the social environment I want.
e) Being a professor allows me to study what I wish to do, and it allows me to talk with people one on one.
f) Being a professor allows me to shoot up massive KNOWLEDGE DIRECTLY INTO MY VEINS
g) Being a professor allows me to do research, which means, I can try and fix things, discover things, and be a part of an interconnected mass of amazingness that we call the psychology body of knowledge.
h) Therefore - luis should pursue being a professor.
The worst mistake to make, is forget who's the person that is pursuing this graduate school thing. I can't forget myself in this process, so I won't. Now.. it's between psychology law research... or clinical...
a decision coming to a blogger near you. blogo.
thanks jon. I am really gonna miss you. and methy.
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