from The Pit, a messageboard I frequent:
I think Nintendo will have a problem with quantity of games (a huge problem ever since the SNES), but what they have seems promising. My problems with the controller not withstanding, Nintendo's show did come off exceptionally well. The DS looks to be STACKED for years --- good thing as it is (and I did not expect this) easily the best of the two major handhelds. I assumed Sony would cause Nintendo a huge headache, but Sony is clueless what to do with the PSP and, it seems, their entire corporate strategy is a muddled mess. I really do wish Nintendo well --- but I worry that a lack of 3rd party support might hurt the system unless they can resolve that problem. Nintendo had to wow people with their show and, unlike last year (when people went nuts for their show, but it did nothing for me) they delivered the goods and I'm actually contemplating getting a Wii.
Microsoft had a really, really good show. Not as good as Nintendo --- but Nintendo was unveiling while most people knew what MS had. The Halo 3 teaser trailer was quite good (man I LOVE my Marketplace). Sony losing exclusivity to GTA is a huge blow. I've not played F.E.A.R on the PC (my computer can't even run Civ IV), but I heard good things, so I'm optimistic. Lost Planet is much MUCH cooler than I expected. Fable 2 should be great and Forza 2 is perfect. I'd actually like to see a Sudeki sequel --- the original was insanely flawed, but the foundation for a great franchise was there. I don't know a ton about Too Human, but Bioware usually produces the goods --- and the XBox Live Arcade seems to be a friggin' Godsend for Microsoft. If they ever get the Darkness together, it could be great. And while TimeShift apparently is delayed (the demo was ridiculous, IMO), Crysis could be a great FPS.
Sony? Sony tanked. I'm sorry, but there isn't a lot to feel good about with Sony. The PS3's problems are now both well-known and fairly lengthy. Being unable to really upgrade a core system is Sony's biggest blunder to date --- way to make sure your games don't look better than the 360. The price point seems like it'll be a huge problem and none of the PS3 games just made you want to buy them. We know GTA won't look appreciably better on the PS3. Rockstar won't have time to improve --- and MS getting updated material seems to make the 360 version the must-get version. The PSP continues its streak of decent titles, but little outstanding software. The PSP is second to the DS for a good reason --- the DS has much, much better game (and Super Mario Bros coming out next week is one I've been drooling over). The PS3 seems to take bits and pieces from Nintendo and MS and then attempts to paint them up as original ideas from Sony. If companies like Square-Enix remain basically Sony-exclusive companies, I'll be somewhat surprised.
I honestly see Nintendo taking Japan. I also see MS taking the US, but barely. Sony will probably be the biggest overall, but Sony HAS to have the PS make money (God knows the XBox isn't making MS money and Nintendo makes money no matter what).
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