Now Playing: The Kingsbury Manx - Silver Trees

silly GD aside, this is quite an accomplishment. I'd normally be like 'hm, let's give these grades a context under which they were achieved'. ok, lets!
3 classes, with 3 extra-curricular activies throughout the quarter.
phil 7: proves I can handle boring and semi-understand boring
phil 113: proves I can handle the worst (which means the BEST) that the UCR philosophy department can throw at me
psyc 110: proves that re-writing things on your own terms helps you get a better grasp of things every single time. Telling stories to Jen about ghrelin and the lateral hypothalamus totally rocks 8-)
outside class:
lab: 12 hours a week. usual krazy fun times shows I can handle taking ORDERS.. albeit while philosophizing with jon
research project: has become quite daunting. Research is scary, but I'm up for the challenge. Meeting with Dr. Burgess every week HAS to be productive, or I'd die. This proves I can read research papeles and dissertations and survive!
gym/abba: what? yeah that's right... 4 times a week! Racquetball is my newest sport that I think is awesome. huzzah!
So much for just studying and dying. I'm pulling for ya Matthew, you can do it! In the meantime, I have a few more days before I go back home to riverslide. Take it easy yall, it's back to my cave for me. :)
3.27 and countin'.
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