Now Playing: Badly Drawn Boy - Magic in the Air
*cue pretty piano awesome music*
Michelle Phan.. I love you. Without even trying, we've been through a whole garbage bag full of stuff togeter, and it's awesome. awww, we were so young in 2002 :'(, see

GODDAMN, what the hell was with my hair. No, don't tell me. I already know.
Anyway, ever since then, you've totally come out of your pseudo-shell. College, and really, time away from caca constant Cleveland drama has done you SO well. YOU have done so well! You're amazing. All grown up. Depite it all, you've built up quite a life for yourself. I couldn't be happier for you. *jealous rage*

and he couldn't be happier to be with you, mish. Hearts and kisses, I'll never be a flake again!
Matthew Pearlstein.. I love you too
*lets that sink in so you feel all weird about me saying it all explicitly*
here's an awkward picture of us, the first one where we're in there at the same time [and also, really, there's only like 4 pics of us all together, aint that WEIRD?]

hahahahaha. I was so much better looking there, no foolin =/. And look at Ashley!!1 *dies alot*
dude, Matt. All I can honestly say that I haven't said before is, that it makes me feel so good and awesome to know how we're on the same level of almost everything, now. Out of the small cluster of people in my life, you're the one who's evolved the most.. and every there almost every step of the way has been special to me. Sucks you can't be more of a part of my whole college experience here in Riverslide, but I'm glad you're not. It makes me appreciate the relationship we have despite it all even more. bitch.

You're coming into your own every single day. And I can't stop grinning on the inside when I think about that.
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