Now Playing: The Flaming Lips - A Spoonful Weighs A Ton
Happy Birthday Vain. Right now you're yelling "come here, monkeys!" at the tv screen while Rebel laughs her smelly butt off. I thought I'd give you a message or two before a) the evening is over and b) I go and own you at Mario Party.
We've been through the gauntlet. You've taken the mistakes of myself and our parents, and made a great kid out of yourself. No.. I'm serious. You could tell great things would come out from you, even with the nasty mushroom haircut from back in the hayday.

haha. We've grown up together! Alof of the phases in music, people and hobbies I went by across the years, you were there behind me, slowly making your own niche, wherever you went. I just tried spelling ''wherever'' like a fucking million times. GAHH. That aside - you went from smelly little brat to.. Egg

what the fuck was up with.. our.. everything? Oh man oh man. good times
Look at yourself. You're 16, and already SO much more well-adjusted than so many of us at your age. You make me proud. I'm glad that half of the shit i've been through you will be spared. Some stuff isn't necessary to grow.
Anyway, thanks for being you, and always sticking to being you. You have your quirks; you yell, piss, and boss around rebel alot. alot.

but then again.. I like that
You're gonna take this family to new heights. You have alot of work ahead of you. Just remember you'll always have family to pester you all the way through, with love and support.

but then again.. you like that

Just you know, stop being a little SSSSSSLUT.
Much <3's and other corny mush, LJ
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