Now Playing: Kill Bill Vol.2 - Lole Y Manuel - Tu Mira
today is your special, special day =).
Ever since 10th grade, whether we thought about it or not, we've run the gauntlet together. Scary no? *throws up a little*

I particularly detest this picture =)
Okay but in all seriousness, I need to tell you. Through the high skool madnesses that plagued us both, the good times, the bad, and the really fucking funny.. I think with each and every passing day, we grow tighter and stronger, as both individuals, and as family. I only hold deep respect and value for a few of the people in my life [despite claims], and you're definitely one of them. Few in my life have not only been with me for so long, but told me that I remind them of themselves.. you remember that? Yeah, I don't either. That was probably one of the most touching moments in my life, actually.

sorry, had to break the emotional tension there.
Now look at you, 20!!!!!! Veinte! You're a VIEJA man, vieja. Saggy love! hahahahaha. And wow, look at how far you've come, since that super-nice girl everyone tried to adopt for ''adopt-a-minority'' back in the day. Man. I can only wish that I can learn and grow and evolve as well as you have. If I had money, I'd make you or buy you something akin to how I feel about you, now 20 years young. I can only hope this isn't a crummy gift [my eternal lavishing of love and evil]. So..... ho sex lives on. Along with all the great times we've shared in the past one trillion years. Let me know how it is on the other side! It's gonna take me months to get to this end-of-teenager-ness crap. sis

oh god *runs to bathroom*
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