Now Playing: Death Cab for Cutie - Coney Island
so life is moving along nicely. I'm with the people I wanna be with, I see those I wanna see, and classes... okay, different story.
I have 5 classes this quarter, for a total of 18 units. Let's just say 6 classes, as psych lab will be VERY different from psych lecture. sigh. I don't know how I'm supposed to prioritize school work with whatever free time I eventually get. Usually late at nite we'll find something to do, which is great, but man, I get so exhausted by the time 10pm rolls around. This is week 2, yo.
So with alot to do, want to do and stuff, this quarter seems to already keep me busier than the former. I guess that's supposed to cure my slump from before in some ways. Oh well. Man, such fun back at school.. I really love it here, as much as I can complain about my workload and being banned from half of campus. hahaha. Things will come around, they will. I kinda just want.. calm
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