Now PLaying: The Flaming Lips - Shine On Sweet Jesus
*cough death***
Totally thought today was Thursday. I'm retarded. That means I didn't get to see Jenny again =[ *sighh. Matt called me while I was on the deathbed watcing le vh1, so I rushed to put something on to go out. The bastard leaves tomorrow.. ahh life. Anyway I rush and wait outside and wtf..
Amy Madole was in the car with him. FLAMY MADOLE hahaahaha oh man oh man. So Matt presents me my gift; Amy. It's kinda short and angry.. but I'll take it. haha. It was a pretty good time, just breifly catching up with Amy and going around Studio City like bored valley kids do. There was a lot of reminiscing, which is alright, but kind of took away from the ''okay, but who are we *now*'' talks. It's all gravy, it was fun. First time I'd been to Hamburger Hamlet in ... well, forever
It being xmas eve tonight we had to split early. It was nice being with them, and I think the last time it was just us three was ... oh man. Back in 11th grade. That one day. Whoa scary! SO we drop Amy off, and I get to play with Matt's new e$$$pensive camera. I give him his xmas/hannukah present, he gives me super-weed, and that was that. It was kinda sad, I mean we didn't DO much but.. I at least got to see em right before he leaves and I don't see him until next year. Man.. next year
I'm still sick, so I'm gonna go play. Break is going to end far, far too soon. Eh well, I get to see those I wanna see and wanna see me, and I'm getting good rest so really, can anyone really complain?
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