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With my school life officially started once again, it's time for me to let go of my summer. It's time to close up my home life for a while. I'm not at a party nor am I fucked up right now.. which makes this perfect, amazing.. reflecting time. This is just an all-too brief summary of "The Summer of Retribution". ooh pics everyone loves them

catching up never gave me such a headache. Loved every second!

is it wrong to say I know Matt's backseat like the back of my hand? bahaha.

jenny caught the valley by surprise.. thanks jenny :)

like I said... uh.. thank you. Wiggle your big toe

I dunno why but this day really took me back and made me happy. It was like when we used to hang out.. just us 3 ;P

this is what I look like.. when I grub with my bright one

and this is what she looks like

she black.. she fuck you up. Thats my blood on the knife for not paying for her

I miss you!! I don't know why she looks like Beyonce here

btw.. she's one of the only to ever be driven by me. Lucky or not it's kool!

Joe and Art.. the new X Japan hahahah

the man who let me care for his pool, takes me hiking, and calls me his baby. Just 3 of the reasons why Roel is cool

no words. Look at that picture some more. Eat my cock you haters
So, when it comes down to it, the questions start piling up. "Was you summer good?" What am I supposed to say? Let's see.. I reaquainted myself with my best friend, bonded more than ever.. I got to see most of my good friends, I worked, I finally.. finally saw Meg again, and I had a car.
"Was The Summer of Retribution completed?"
you goddamn know it was. Yeah, I didn't get to see some people, like my sister Nicole. Things with Glen ended.. but peacefully. But you know.. there's always other breaks. I set out to do what I wanted this summer and I did.. if that isn't success, please tell me what is. I've never felt so happy. But I guess it's time to shut the fuck up because it's time to get krunked in college! Living two lives is really, really hard sometimes. When it isn't though, its very very.. fun. Take care guys.
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