Now Playing: Kill Bill Vol.2: Shivaree - Goodnight Moon
Why Luis and Ashley Needs Cars by: Luis and Ashley
* cuz we end up getting stranded at UCR when our ride forgets about us
* cuz we die a little on the inside
* cuz our friday thru monday plans are screwed over by one day
* cuz there is NO reason to stay in teh dorms when we're done on a thursday!!
* cuz we need to play all our hoe sex cd's in a car cd player
Ashley got a ride home today, even though she tried her best not to leave me behind :]. Joey Bryan and Ismael are taking me home after lunch at some point so everything will be alright I guess. Thanks guys ;D I know it sounds like I hate staying here at sckool more than I have to, but that's not it at all.. I love being with everyone here whether drunk highi or not. I jst really like my bed at home. And not getting assaulted about how mexicans ''smell''. ahhhh but yeah. It's been a good week, cuz I got to talk to sooooo many of my buddies far away. It made me all happy and stuff dude, which usually does not happen during the end of any school year ever. Time to eat so bye
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