Now Playing: Spice Girls - 2 Become 1
Happy Valentine's Day everyone, make the moment count. I was never really for this ''holiday'', but what the hell. Go out and tell everyone you love them. Make them feel special, and feel that warm gooey feeling all you can.
I need to get something off my chest. I think this year, the holiday got to me. I guess nowadays, I feel lonely =/.. and I listen to the sappy love songs, and I look through the albums and I just feel so sad that I don't have that someone just to.. be with. Sometimes, I just stare out at the smoggy foggy skies and imagine what it'd be like just to hold someone in my arms. To marvel at the sky and take it all in. This song is the worst song in the universe...
I'm really sorry for going depresso about this. It's not like it's a new feeling or anything.. but something I didn't think would dominate my head for a long period of time. As you can see, I'm bad at words, and at alot of things heheheh.. but right now I'm pretty bad at getting this romantic crap out of my head. =[ I have a valentine and I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BRIGHTON!!! But you're hundreds of miles away.. so God help me for getting lousy.
How could I have been so misguided? seriously. I was always too busy with something [or someone, or some people, or the whole high skool class] to do what I really wanted to do deep down. There are definitely things I alwayz thought of, but was [and is, considering my vagueness] too hard to pull out. Misguided.. ever since 10th grade and then I let it slip from between my fingers. Foolish foolish idiotic and just plain sad.. it still kinda hurts.. If ever there was a high school regret.. it'd be this one.
I just can't believe what you did. On my birthday no less. bah need sleep and I'll be fine by tomorrow!!... Happy Valentine's you guys.

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