
Now Playing: Bright Eyes - It's Cool, We Can Still Be Friends

Something that'll stick with me for a long time is something Ismael told me last night as we debated several issues. Put simply, it's easier to say goodbye to someone when you're angry at them. I think a lot of people do it, I've done it, we'll all continue to do it.. and we know that's not the way to go.

And to be honest, I know I'm supposed to be "angry" or feel something other than a headache lately.. but it isn't comin. So I'm gonna work on what matters to me, and I'm gonna try really hard not to reach the level of anger that people think I should be at. I'm not up for playing dirty.. I'm not up for playing anything at all.

But yeah man.. how true is it that we love to burn the bridge before we part instead of leaving on good terms? I think I [and the world really] have been going about things the wrong way, because to continue this cycle is to perpetuate disappointment in all of our lives. And to perpetuate such negativity is to not live very happily [or peacefuly] at all.

Inevitably, we need to stop running. More importantly we [I] need to realize that if in the end, things really did not work out, it's okay. Life was never about who had the most friends. It's not about who had the most popular, or the cutest, or anything. Its about going through life experiencing different sorts of people until you come across somebody you can keep with you and rely on them the way you do family. I think I've found a few of those so far, and I thank God every night I have them with me, even if they're far far away.

It doesn't matter how many friends I have to lose in order to finally feel like I found something I can call my own. Hard to see myself say such a thing, but it's about time I saw life this way. There will be people I will fight tooth and nail to remain with and there's gonna people I'll look at and say to myself.. what's the point? I hope I don't sound too negative here.. I'm just trying out something I should have applied for myself a long time ago. Gotta let go of some things, of some friends.. but it's all my choice who I get in the ring with and who I walk away from for the sake of both parties.


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