I get to stay home until Tuesday afternoon and I am loving eeevery second of it. I missed my huge TV. Total home complex..
Yesterday was simply fun. It felt like summer again for a day, we Enza Ashley Joey Jesse Brighton Glen and I went all around Los Angeles and went absolutely NUTS! Note to those who enjoy wearing clothes: Do not play Sex in the car. ever. Some people just loooove takin' it all off =] anywho, it was such a special day. Stores, sights, scenes, spotting JC Chazes with the UGLIEST FACIAL HAIR EVER at CPK, and just being our usual oddball selves. I think the whole 'let's ge massively wasted' thing didn't even try to pan itself out, but at least that... makes for future plans. 8-)
Stayed at Brighton's with Glen until like, 2am... doing our usual thing. Then Glen and I decided to trek around until 4am. Our choice stop? Cleveland High Skool. Maybe it was just the right place to be in order to talk or something. We may have been there the night before, but cmon... not the actual campus. I think we had one of our greatest conversations ever, and not just between Glen and I, but one of the best I've had PERIOD... that's saying something.
It's hard.. to realize how far things have come along in life. Look at everyone. We're liivng new lives with new people in new places and whatever the past was, is merely a figment of our life's tapestry. It's kind of hard to accept the fact that sop many small things from long ago have shaped and molded you into who you are, and even harder to accept that you couldn't control some of those things. I was so sad walking and talking... but so glad and mature at the same time.
I really missed having 'impactful' conversations, with anyone.. I don't get those often anymore. But I'm glad this one was with Glen. One of my closest friends. Once I go to a certain level of conversations with a person, everything changes.. and the bond becomes closer. And I'm totally right... you can't turn back after going so far. You're connected somehow, in some way, for the rest of your little lives. Ah... it's gonna be great being home.
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