
Busy day.. will save for lata. After talking on the fone for 23 minutes with ya, I think for starts, I won't be naming people in the blog anymore. No sir.. if I don't post about everything I do with everyone everyday, I get castrated, and it aint fair. I'm sick of it. My blog is NOT a big popularity contest - I like to fill it up with much more than the superficial 'i did this' posts. My blog is supposed to reflect me in a way; I have alot of friends, but not enough time to mention them all, I'M SO SORRY. I appreciate everyone according to how close we are, and if you think I neglect you or don't acknowledge you, well, you won't have my blog to help you in accusing me. I won't be doing that stuff, at least for a while. Perhaps when something truly important happens, I'll be more specific as to whom it involves... but no more 'skimming for your name' kind of posts. I don't want anyone reading my goddamn journal if all they wanna see is if I mentioned how we hung out the night before. I don't think so.


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