You know it's summer when people ask you repeatedly to update... are we that bored guys?
Alot has happened, as you'd expect after a few days. m0m is back, brighton is gone, I'm running again, blah blah blah. Don't care for going the superficial "I'm gonna write everything I did with everyone ever since I last updated. ShoUT OutS to mY HoMieS!! no. Tired of doing it, although I don't think we can help ourselves sometimes. On the contrary, I've been far from the superficiality and drama that high school has almost indoctrinated us all with. Sucks, instead I've been well, thinking way too much. It's summer and I keep busy and I'm enjoying my freedom but STILL I think on and on about... things... ughh. I've been yelled at for it too. I think I'm easily amused and intrigued and yeah, I like to make sense of things. a WHOLE LOT. So it seems like everyday I'll do something totally awesome with the homies, but then I'm alone for JUST an instant and an immense thought/realization takes over my whole day, and I just indulge in the quest for knowledge man... yeah. It's ridiculous but it's me, and I like it [while it CAN be aggravating]. Man if it isn't one it's another, I get pointed at for... overanalyzing... over and over... err. Sorry guys. You know though once I'm done with a subject, it's gone - you know it. I kinda like the whole 'philosophical' persona I got going on... but now it's just excessive, and in the summer for fucks sake. Someone SLAP ME! *hands raise* whoa... no... chill... I can do this somehow. =]
Anyway all this psycho-babble coming out of my mouth has really sparked up conversations again, it's really... uh, satisfying. I need to know my limits I know... but still. I've been getting into good stuff with a lot of people, so at least I can't say I've become a slug so far this summer. With that said, I gotta say that I'm really proud of my writing lately. It's really helped put things in perspective, I guess. It's also reignited some connections yo! I love talking to every one of my pplz. Fuck if we all weren't so busy we could do something other than talk and do stupid shit, but eh... whatev. I love youz xD. Summer seems to have really awoken the thinker in people [heh irony], so I'm pretty glad that more people are blogging [AGAIN NIC!] and putting ideas out there. Don't stop yo... and I won't either. There's something about people speaking and asking questions that shows such vitality in people, and I fall for it all the way... ahh. Fuck, I'm gonna be a core teacher when I grow up. =T Anywayz I admit, if someone brings up a heavy ass topic, I'm gonna go in balls first as usual... but yes yes, no more analyzing things in 40 different ways. Even I get sick of reading THOSE kind of entries. However... don't expect me to be fakey dumb shit either. Noone knows what to expect out of anyone anymore... and I love it. Just realized something Jim pointed out to me... hmmm. You're not the only one who's said it to me, so now it's just weird... he and I are alike? Just reading his blog made me go >_< cuz well, we both get nasty random philosophical-ish... strange. Now I have more to think and talk about!!!!!!!!!! OH YEAHHHHH!!!! hahaha. leave one
fra IL deLUSION: I <3 you.
fra IL deLUSION: Like you have no idea.
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