Gahhhh... I haven't even posted the other half to this experiment and I'm already tired of typing throughout the time I'm home. =[ ugh. Anyway I'm gonna spread em out over the next few days [years..] in an attempt to seem like, I can use my head to think erryday xD. I can! I can..
Two things to keep in mind about the next few random thoughts [uughhh]... one being, these were done right after stealing all of my m0m's yearbooks. Looking through the pages of... well, the last four years has not only made me remember a whole lot of stuff, but made me... spark some uncharted feelings about several people, feelings which well, I didn't really register as something I felt, more like... came by and didn't pay attention to.
Oh, the other thing is, I was veryvery stoneded so maybe that helps with the flow of how much I actually spill. ;-)
SkOol JunK... leave comments if you want. xD
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