
today was kooooooool... although it proved my theory that people from the San Fernando Valley are bound to each other forever ._.x

it was me m0m and Glennnnn and we had good times being out of the valley, shopping around and stuff. I really really love hanging out with Glen and m0m [who doesn't?], so it was great just talking and doing random stuff. So we shop some more... and who do we bump into? Tori, Lauren, Lisa and Alison. Quote: "But we're soo far away from the valley!!" That was just strange.

We scream and come back to el valle to eat us some Cheesecake Factory. The waiters/waitresses there make me feel so fat and nasty... haha. There's a quota for how good you look in there I swear! When the waiter was asking us for our order, I couldn't even look in his eyes cuz he exuded this aura of.. godliness and superior white boyness... AHHH! haha so as we waited for our grub we saw MORE VALLEY PEOPLE in Danika and Rachel G... and thus I conclude that, even when I leave this place and I'm off to Riverside... I will see sooo many people from around here that It's gonna be weird. oh well. I got new pics from the 2 rolls I have been using so, new pics up soon! I can finally take most of the old ones down... comin soon. late



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