
Anyway shit... I didn't feel good enough writing it in the journal only so I'mma blog about prom weekend now. haha. Hung out with the guys for the majority of the day today, it was koo.

Prom in general was amazing... it was 6 of us (Matt Jenny Meg Brighton and Glen) getting there fashionably late and having a terrific time. We saw everybody (and wow, everyone looked amazing), and we did alot of fun things. The museum was great (if only for Minjung riding the saddle). Food wasn't that bad but hey... whatever. Got to dance with Meg and that was awesome <3. Slow danced w/ Molly too! Had a magical evening really, so much finally.. happened... but not even prom went without some things to piss me off. But those things passed and I'm all good. Definitely tho, prom is something to never forget.

Post prom was I think even better... because instead of having some time getting massively wasted at a hotel, we went to Long Beach. Brighton almost got us killed =T. I ate way too much. Meg STILL looked amazing. We got on Matt's dad's awesome boat and wow, it was amazing. I mean it was far away from home, and it was with people I love... totally a surreal and fun experience. Kicked Glen accidently while sleeping, but hey Brighton did too! We went on Matt's dinghy (with an h yes) and that was incredible too. I'm super glad I went there instead of getting drunk and losing my brain cells @_@. We also went to the shopping center and had alotta fun dude... soo much candy. =[

Den we pretty much went back home - almost got killed by fire trucks, and once I got home I would've posted all of this - but I didn't.

I didn't cuz as great as it was, I had other things to get to first, things that I and others really, had been holding in for years. People will say I did it all to start up shit - but cmon, start up shit? I didn't want shit... I didn't expect that letting out alot of these things was gonna be taken out all on me. As if I personally hate all of us in core... heh I don't. In fact I probably talked about those I really like, and love, etc etc... showing that even them (and I) aren't free of the bullshit that has seeped around core. What can I tell you... do I feel bad that everyones gotten all offended? That feelings have been hurt?? duh - but man if you really look at it, can you really tell me that I'm completely wrong on everything I've said? That is if anyone really read it all or just wanted to find things to throw at me maliciously.

Ppl I really let in have really gotten ugly about this whole issue. Words hurt or whatever - but the things I've been attacked with make me think hey... did you really read all of what I said, or did you just hear things about it, find something you didn't like, and decide to bash me for it? I've been hit from all sides on some stuff, from Matt to Peter and heh, the sad shit is how all of the so called 'good timez' are easily forgotten and the hate just pours on. I'm not a bigot. Bigot? Obsessed? wow. no

Matt can check his email and that's all I can do in response, and Peter can stay the fuck out of wut I have said - because by his response in Matts blog, it looks like he didn't even completely read shit (or care to see it all without losing his small ass temper.)


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