Alright. Gotta come to terms with this big big situation. I need to apologize to what, all 200+ of you - for just bringing out all of these things and not holding back on anything and anyone.
I'm pretty fucking sorry. Sorry if you feel like you were attacked too - but no, I DIDN'T ATTACK YOU GUYS! I didn't think laying shit out on the table (in any way) would make everybody feel so personally attacked. In fact there IS people out there you guys, who believe I didn't attack anyone. At least I don't feel alone... but anyway. Alot of you (like those who blogged in response) overreacted, ferreal. So much hatred dudes.. so much hatred for just stating the state of things, it's disgusting. I've been called a bigot (that one stung), a liar, and other shit in random chat rooms too. Why are we all so quick to shit on others? I do it too - if someone seems to be singling me out I lose my mind. I dunno, the race shit I brought onto the surface for the most part has alwayz been there for me. Maybe it's just me, and it wasn't fair of me to just spill it out onto EVERYBODY, exceptions aside. Heh, a lot of what I wrote was just years of frustrations, and a lot of self-hate too. I put myself in the place of alot of those 'examples' and I felt so dirty. Like such a bad person.
But I'm not a bad person for letting out how I (and others) feel. I was just the one who finally said it, and I'm sorry that it hurt so many people. It wasn't meant to hurt, but the damage is done. But hey, I don't run away from bullssssshit. Haven't you notticed? That's why I blogged on that fateful day a few days ago - cuz I don't run from this stuff. Anyway, having said that - I'm willing to do what I can to close this up for everyone. If you're willing to actually go through this stuff and mend how you and I feel, then perfect. I won't ask anyone to say 'omg Luis, I'm a total idiot for getting angry, marry me' - cuz that's not kool of me. But hey, don't ask me to negate everything I said... because I said it all for a reason (just as you attacked ME for yours), and we can't deny that there is alot both sides have to admit to before any hatred can go away. Sorry yo. Thought we were all ready for this kinda stuff. I made a huge ass mistake. Shoulda gone about this differently - and at a different time too. Passing eeeeverything I said as fact wasn't the best idea at all - seeing as well, it may hold true for some, but not all. Oh well yo. I don't think I'm above this crap (man how many times have I said this?), and I know when I fuck up, and i know my flaws too. I hope others can know when they do all of that too. nite
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