Can't sleep. One day he will crush me like no other... like no other. Then He will say... you could have tried harder.
Anyway I was reading Glen's blog, and fuck... I do not know how one can be so... errr. He's my friend and such but erg... 'blogs are for emotionally unstable people; xangas are for asians'. I guess I don't like being told what I already know, heh. Livejournals suck btw.
My convo with Peter on saturday is still in my mind, and probably will be for a while. I'm so scared and angry about everything lately. I made my mom cry too... damnit. One of these days karma will get at me for letting things build up in my head and NOT letting them out, and really, I'm so stupid. I should know by now (and YOU should know by now) that bottling things up is gonna turn things worse, and the end result is a tattered heart, and an embittered individual. Fuck me man.. I can't even let out simple things without feeling disjointed. Why do my days go by smoothly and happy, yet I feel so terrible once I sit down and try to make sense of my life? You're gonna destroy what you helped cultivate one day... you will destroy me.
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