
Brdr123: i just read ur blog
theeseXayone: =]
Brdr123: i feel so naive!
Brdr123: what the hell is german style?

You like the new pics? I dunno... I dig them but should I take them off? You'll be seeing those in the yearbook courtesy of Nic.

These past few days have been okay... Peter and I are looking for NON-LAZY people for our ism group =]. Meg is back and I'm sooo glad <3 <3 <3... everyone seems to be dying, I love you Mollz! I guess I'm too preoccupied with other crap to blog much. Someone needs to inspire me... or whatever.

yo yo. So in core we've been reading the Painted Bird, and it's really good but... it's giving me unnecessary and unneeded depressing thoughts. This whole 'other' bullshit and the whole being pushed away, killed by groups because ur different.. it speaks to me. I was in the after skool metco meeting today and I realized that I still feel pushed away and kind of separated from my azn friends, when it comes to them being in a group together. Individually I can deal with people, I mean Peter's my bff ya know... butput him into a group with the other azns and I seem to lose him... or I lose myself. *sigh I dunno how to handle this.


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