
Sometimes I just scream to myself, "What the bloody FUCK did I do that was so goddamn scarring? What do I have to prove for you to fucking speak to me! Why is it so goddamn HARD.... HARD to read, to think, to reflect, about YOU? I dont hate YOU, why do I feel such discord and disdain, STILL? AND WHY DO I GIVE A CRAP!" and why is it that every single time this comes up, I end up falling into a twisted state of sadness?

What's wrong with me? I'm so happy... yet so fucking sad. Enough reading, I have blumblum tommorow. Yeesh. Oh, and after talking to someone for hours ... I've realized, we're all so fucking alike. THAT makes me happy. That and my friends, they make me fucking happy. Yet I'm so pissed off.


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