
I refuse to paint anymore today. FUCKIN SHIT DUDE! So Peter came over and we painted for fucking fuck 4 hours >(. We actually talked alot more seriously than usual... it was koo. I mean with most everyone, I maintain a certain level of surface comfortability, and out of nowhere we just started talking hardcore. About several people, metco, etc. Yeh anywayz I got the hardest fucking Super Mairo Sunshine Shine (star) because he knew how to get it, hahaha. Fucking FINALLY!

The rest of the week will be so slow and painful, so much work, but whatever... I'm just glad I'll be seeing him, Julez, Didi and Angela over the weekend. I'm gonna make him watch Devdas too, heeeelll yeahh.... ahhh. Crap, I have hwk to do. And according to Peter, I have a game system to retreive. Yeah I never forgot, I've just been total non-confrontational about ALOT of people and things lately. Work time!


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