
The Depressed State that is Ena Nicole Aquino Suarez a.k.a. Nic.
This is what I think about when I'm consumed with that feeling that's become so familiar ...

dis·joint·ed adj 1 a : being thrown out of orderly function b : lacking coherence or orderly sequence 2 : separated at or as if at the joint -- dis·joint·ed·ly adv -- dis·joint·ed·ness n

1 : Whenever my heart feels broken I hate having to "cope." You just have to move on. Don't let it bother you so much. You'll get over it. He's an asshole anyway. You deserve SO much better. They say all these things, make you feel like you're being weak just because all you want to do is cry -- cry and let yourself heal in your own way.

2 : Whenever my heart feels confused I just want to run away because I don't want to make a decision. I don't want to "figure it out." I don't want to make the wrong choice. I just want to leave and never come back.

3 : Whenever I feel torn away from my heart, like I can no longer feel anything, I despise the world. I think that's the worse. Not feeling like I can feel ANYTHING and yet I feel hate. I can't stand that. When that happens I just want to disappear.

* * *

My heart is not broken, confused or gone. Yet, I want to cry, run away, and disappear all at the same time. What's wrong with me Louie?


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