Too much thinking. I actually pretended to um... turn around and purposely walk away from somebody today. I'm giving too much damn control to the people in my life, it seems. Well, no not even the people in my life as a whole, but.... specific ones. I'm a coward.
I'm also not unlike you... that saddens me.
Anyway, I'm starting to get overwhelmed with the girls in my life, except like, Jen. haha. Various things, tooooooooO0O0 personal to disclose here, because well, she reads it. I feel like perhaps I am TOO aware of her feelings, and as much as I'd like to show that I will always be around... I really like her and having her talk about other things, other people, other guys, discourages me.
But I'm merely human right?
Yeah well... whatever. Metco was strange today, it ACTUALLY KEPT MY INTEREST. Pete told me to tell him when we'd go on class trips to watch a flick of have a discussion, and sadly, I won't be doing that, since the class is coming to a close... and I don't want it to. There was progress in my life today. Too much thinking, I saw a lot and traveled alot (literally), so I'm exhausted. Hey, weirdest thing to come to? Matt asking you why you wrote something in your blog. yes... Matt READ MY BLOG! insanity >P
whoa wtf... why am I blogging so much? One journal a fucking month, I should do that. almost there too. too lazy. rant rant i need sleep and joy.
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