
SimilarMinds.com Compatibility Test

Your match with Peter Hwang

you are 92% similar

you are 62% complementary

How Compatible are You and Your

YaY. Tommorow will be a good day too.

Heh so the lazy ass finally took my test, I'm quite satisfied w/ the results, though they don't have to be exact. Quick observation, it appears to me that, in Pete and my case, we are SO similar, that THAT is precisely why we're always arguing. But in a buddy sort of way. And also, it explains why we sexually abuse Rody. Yeah believe me... hahahaahaah okay! I'm kinda shocked in the end of it all though, because hey... whoda thought Hwangsta would be so much like ... me? wo0o0o0o \m/. o wow holy shit, just looking at Pete's score as compared to Michelle and Jen's... I am the same % similar to Pete as to Michelle, the two highest scorers, which makes me really... feel weird. haha, but w/ Mush, I'm 2% more complementary. I just think that's tight. lol... anywho.

Anywayz yeah. Tommorow will be a good day. Sad, whenever I'm up, someone's down. Like I'm the water while they drown or something. Imbalances never go away, I guess. Feel better, bum.


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