Post-Xmas gift. ahhhh I love you mush =], break would be hell without talkin to you. I'd be babysitting in silence @_@. AND YOU WROTE A BLOG ENTRY IN MY BLOG! too sweet. Do it as oft as you please too, nic does XD
AY! I'm getting into that whole 'writing' journal deal since I got it for xmas, and I've already written alot of... heh personal crap I see and feel towards people, not discounting YOU of cuorse, haha. Seriously it's done worlds of good for me mentally to write these real hardcore thoughts onto something that ISN'T publically viewed. I still like my digital paper journals though...
I've felt so carefree and mellow these past few days, I don't wanna even think of going back to school in 2 weeks. SHIT TOO LATE! I HATE the idea of going back... even though I've had so much fun there lately. I like sleeping in and playing GAMECUBE~! thank you. Ugh... I don't wanna ruin break by thinking about school, so let's hang out somewhere sometime ya? :-). I have cable now, I am not your lagging bastard anymore! hahaha... man life has been just, fine, lately. I wanna keep it at this cool setting, too. I left school on a high note and hopefully, I'll go back the same way too. I wrote a hardass letter to someone for xmas... I'm not as bummed out about having actually given it than I thought I would be. Just waiitng for a response, hopefully someone will make that happen... right? ahhh life is peaceful.
I was gonna blog about Michelle but I'mma wuss out because... eh I dunno, I'm sleepy, and wanna write some more.. >P see ya late.
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