
essays: Linn = 4 pages. Gifford = 3.5 pages. I write small, leave me alone. AT LEAST IT'S ALL OVER!!! good times. Shit EVERYONE had my outline. I'm amazing I know xD, when in reality I was only gonna make it for me Matt and Pete... eh. very good times, it's all over. Art class tommorow!!! Maybe Pete and Jen will come over again xD xD and THAT would fucking rule. anywho...

My mental imbalances seem to... strengthen into a sturdy mass of crap every once in a while. As I wrote my existential essay... it was weird, I never really thought these dang existential philosophers had an affect on me and my 'situation', but now I feel like I actually DO have some sort of better understanding about my life. No I'm not a fucking ignorant core baby who sucks it all in... heh. I brought up some dumb points and then would say, so because of this, I know know why yadda yadda yadda. It all seemed to make sense is what's scary... so maybe I understand why you don't understand ME a lillte better. eh

Random thoughts since I'm... randomly observant today:

- Robert and Peter were CONSPIRING about me... jeez wtf is up with everyone talking about me? So I attacked them both from behind. Love em

- Michelle runs away. That's all I can really say. And then says wutever when I say so. =*[***

- Joe has no cheeks.

- Molly is cute. Haha... man who's gonna go to Hometown Buffet with me now?! =[

- Jenny is REALLY skinny yet flabby in the arms. yay!

- Esther and I got U's for talking in physics. w00t! I don't know why but... it's kool. ESTHER HAS A U!!

- Peter can get around ANYTHING I'm mad at him about. Is that a bad thing?

- Matt is mean MEAN mean. <3 *kills him*

- I flirt way too much when I really only have interest in one person... shit what do I do with myself =[

Anyway so yeah... I have replaced my journal with Peter's for a while. I dunno, to rack him up some hits? hahaha and also, I feel kind of uneased about people reading my fucking journal and never really bothering to take into account that my journal isn't all I'm about. I'll put it back in a few days... I'm also tired of typing. but I'll blog for YOU! later. time for Barkacrappy essay.


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