Compatibility Test |
Your match with Jen Claudio you are 58% similar you are 84% complementary |
How Compatible are You and Your
How Compatible are You with me?
ok wait up...
this is real strange. Jen's one of the closest friendz I got.. okay. So we're only 58% similar. What does that mean? That we can relate to one another only 60% or so of the time?
84% complementary... now Nic would say that's how we match up as a couple... but I did some research and, the 84% complementary... hmm.. is that how much we can... help each other out, complete each other, COMPLEMENT~! one another?
It left me thinking cuz.. well gee... I don't know. Apparently we're not that alike, but we mesh so well together, so the results make sense. It's like I told Jen a few months ago, ppl would come up to me and say whoa.. since when are you and JEN friendz?
Eh. People still refuse to read anything but the very top blog entries, you notice that?
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