Well, this week I've been revisiting and revisited (~!), and I thot I'd pull out an old email frm June that I really like, taking out key personal things of course... it seems to me that life goes around in circles, yet is NEVER the same once u make one turn. Everything alwayz changes indeed. good times!
friendship is the ability to accept someone without having them change. it's about caring for someone unconditionally. not agreeing about something but still loving each other.
luis, the reason i feel you "hate" yourself so much, is that you don't think anyone will like you as you are. but if they don't, then FUCK them. they aren't worth your time. your smile. your tears. YOU are better than that.
last year i went through the entire "soul-searching" phase. in the end, i realized that i make the person i become. that there is no unchanging "NICOLE" or "ENA" or whatever the hell i want to call myself. i realized, that i have to look at the people who REALLY care about me. that instead of focusing on MYSELF, and saying, "oh, i'm not accepted. no one likes me," i looked at all the people who do care. who do love me. everyone has that ONE person who loves them unconditionally, you just have to realize that.
it's not a matter of how many people accept you. or how many "friends" you have. it's about how much the people you're around CARE about you. who gives a FUCK if someone doesn't like the way you talk, walk, laugh, smile? the way you style your hair? the way you dress? there's someone out there who feels the same way about THEM. not everyone is going to like you. not everyone will "click" with you. time does NOT bring bonds. it's people. it's how much they care.
luis, you are a great person. you're sensitive, caring, a wonderful friend...you just have to realize that.
You've been quoted 3 times in a day, not 2...silly xD
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