It feels weird, growing up. There's so much to this world that we will never experience, only read about... and that makes what we DO experience that much more meaningful, because it will always be a part of you, a prt of me, a part of life.
I keep getting small signs throughout everyday, that tell me something. I can't read what they say or anything but they make me slowly fill up with hope. Perhaps leaving everything so unfinished months ago has well, FORCED me to grow up all by myself, and now I realized, maybe everything DOES happen for a reason. Thing will never EVER work out exactly how you want them and I realize you're a fool if you believe htings can work that way. You use what you get and learn from what you had and have, will have, and become your own self from all of that.
Thankx to so much shit I've had to deal with, especially last semester, I think I'm almost ready to say that I'm growing up. I may just be riding the coattails of recent joy, but nah... who knows.
All I know is that I wish I could complain about what bugs me, but honestly, I wasn't in half the shape I was in say, weeks ago. Consider this as positive as I get...for now. I just wish I could share precious time with everyone. Even in misery!
Tell me you can read me still, for hope and all that good stuff is still here. w00t
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