Hmm so today was really great... day 3 of Peter-Paint tyme @ my house! It was boring as usual since we were painting =/.. but I hope HOPE he doesn't take those times of dreadful boredom and connect them w/ coming to my house.. cuz we could do so much more xD What rocked was that JeN came over too.. ahh wow, you know this week was rather important.. first time ever that anybody comes to MY house for once.. and it just so happened to be the only (ONLY) two pplz in the world that I'd do anything for, I'd die for em... not like theyd know tho, so lazy cant even read this here blog =P. I bought them those kool 'companion' friendship rings from Jostens, they liked them =]!!! God, for once I feel I have true setting for my affection...
...if only I got some goddamn affection back. =[
Uhm anyway.. my room is empty, I feel kinda low, my homies are gone.. and I read this blog, and it breaks my heart cuz.. as persistent as I am... and I got shit on for it!... you are too. Live life as good as I'm trying too. Fuckin' A! I wanna go sleep... so I will.
maybe not..
I took the most unsettling test ever, thankx Nic! .... =/

take free enneagram test
You desire love, for everyone to care for you. Impetus - deficit and/or excess of genuine care in your life experience. Problem - it is impossible to get everyone to care about you no matter what you do.
too intuitive
too judgemental
too orderly
too receptive
too submissive
overly negative
too introverted
too social
too needy

It is impossible that someone who is desperate for love (type 2 behavior) and for affirmation (type 1 behavior) is going to be confident enough to pursue achievements (type 3 behavior). You can't be a healthy five until you eliminate any dependency on lower type behaviors.
Oh lord... see ya.
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